Managing Members
There are two important aspects to managing members — their access and their role.
Access levles control when a member is able to RSVP to games within the community. You can configure access levels to be automatically added to new members when they join the community, or you can manually add them to members. This can be useful is an access is something like a premium add-on for your community, or specific to involvement for an event. See the Access Levels page for more information on configuring access levels.
Roles control what actions a member is able to take within a community. There are three roles:
- Player - this is the base role which grants permission to RSVP for games
- Creator - this has the same permissions as Player, but can also post games within the community
- Admin - this is the top level role and can perform all the same actions of Player and Creator. Additionally, Admins can configure the community, manage members, and can manage any game in the community.
Every person that joins a community is given the Player role by default. You can update a member's role from the Manage > Members page. Select the member(s) you wish to update from the list, click the pencil icon, and the edit drawer will open.
If editing a single member, their current role is reflected in a dropdown, and changing it will automatically update their role.
If editing multiple members, you can choose what role to apply to all members - regardles of their current role - and then click "Update" to save your changes.
Note that you cannot change your own role. This is to avoid an accidental situation where you remove the Admin role from yourself and there is no Admin left to manage the community. If you are handing off community management duties, it is best to promote someone else and then have them update your role.
Removing a member
You can remove a member from the community by selecting them from the list and clicking the pencil icon. In the lower left corner of the edit drawer, there is a trash can to initiate removing the member from the community. You will be asked to confirm the choice as this action cannot be undone, and removing a member will also cancel any games they have created and remove them from any sessions to which they are RSVP'd.